Jon Hayden


Associate Director - S&P Global

January 2023 - Present

Lead Software Engineer - S&P Global

February 2018 - January 2023

Software Engineer - Panjiva

June 2014 - February 2018 (acquired by S&P Global)

Software Engineer - EMC

July 2011 - June 2014

Worked with a team of software engineers to deliver the following:

Lab Manager - EMC

July 2009 to July 2011

Lab Technician Internship - EMC

May 2008 to August 2008

Seed for Security, LLC - Technologist

2007 - Present


Languages / Frameworks

JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Elixir (learning), React, Koa, Express, Rails, Phoenix (learning)

Markup / Style

HTML, Markdown, CSS, Sass

Database / Search / Queue

PostgreSQL, SQLite, Elastic, RabbitMQ, Resque, Redis

Infrastructure / Operations

Linux (Arch, Debian, Redhat, SuSE), AWS EC2, S3, NGINX, HAProxy, Bash, ZSH, tmux, screen, xsv, jq


B.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering - Worcester Polytechnic Institute